This three-bedroom, masonry and concrete house offers a special treatment for the main livingroom. It is surrounded on three sides by windows overlooking pools, fountains, waterfalls, and landscaping. Overhead trellises with hanging ivy complete the views. The den also has windows on three sides that overlook terraces and the rear yard. A clerestory of glass block around the perimeter feeds natural daylight into the interior as do shaded skylights over the livingroom, dining room, and the den.

House 602

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Ames Guyton has a Master's Degree from Columbia University and has over thirty years experience as an architect, having worked for some of America's most distinguished firms, including Marcel Breuer, one of the founders of modern architecture. He has toured Europe many times and has spent six months in the Orient. He has photographed many of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings.

Address: 1015 Marvone Lane , Jacksonville, Florida, 32266        

Telephone: (904) 249-5018

For more information, email me at

This page last updated December 1, 2020